Monday, May 14, 2012

Love Has No Limit

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY

"Ok Onika it looks like this one is a baby Girl." 

Safaree jumped up with tears in his eyes. 

"The second on is a baby Boy Congrats " 

Nicki and Safaree looked at each other with tears in they eyes.

"If you dont have any questions that will be all for today." 

Dr. Carry wiped the Gel off Nicki's tummy and headed out the door. Nicki pulled her shirt down and buttoned her pants. SB grabbed her hand and they was out the door. Nicki just realized she didnt tell her Barbz about her being pregnant she stood by the car and asked Safaree to take a picture of her. The shirt she had on hugged her tummy just right. Nicki put her hand on her stomach. Safaree took the picture. What Nicki didnt know is that TeamMinaj already knew but they never tweeted nothing about it. When Nicki would go to Interviews she always wore one of Safaree's hoodies, Then she had a performance and had a dress on with a big jacket. She claimed she was cold. TM put to and to together and figured it out. She took the phone from Safaree and Tweeted the picture. The barbz with Crazy. 

@NICKIMINAJ Young Nic & Baby Gali ♥

@NICKIMINAJ YEP ! A boy & a Girl ---------> @ItsMarthaBitch WAIT ONIKA Yu pregnant  && You having Twins? 0_0

@NICKIMINAJ Barbz Even doe im having my own Babies , You guys still is my Babies ok? Dont ever think different. 

@NICKIMINAJ Yes I will :p ----> @TrebbleBarbie Will you still spoil us? ._.

@NICKIMINAJ Ustream Tonight Barbz :p 

Nicki put her phone in her purse and got in the car. 

"Faree I wanna have a sleepover for the barbz. Not at the house doe at a hotel. "

"Why they can't come to the house its big enough for all of them . .  Literally "

"IDK Faree just make something happend"

"Okay Nic. . when do you want to have it?"

"As soon as possible. I miss my babies" 

Pulling up at the House they got out and went inside. Nicki went straight to the kitchen she wanted some cheetos and a snapple.

Safaree went down in the studio to Get the laptop. 

"Safaree hurry up " 

SB ignored her. He got the computer and the plug and headed upstairs.  . 

When he got there Nic was in bed eatting her cheetos.

Safaree got behind her and opened computer.

He got on twitter and posted the link.


"Hi barbz" nicki said waving to the camera.

"Whats up coons" SB said.

Nicki was sitting in Safaree's lap eatting her chips. Safaree had one hand wrapped around her waist the other moving strands of hair out her face.

The barbz was going crazy

"Awh Safaree thats to cute" Nicki read. She turned her head and smiled big at SB.

"Kisssssss" Safaree read.

"Yall coons is mad nasty" Nicki shook her head and pouted her lips.

"You afraid to kiss me on cam faree?" She mad a cute sad face.

"Gali aint never scared." Safaree poistioned the camera where the barbz could see. He turned Nicki his way and kissed her with so much passion, mintues later they was in a whole makeout session. Both Nicki and Safaree forgot they was ustreaming. Nicki was trying to take Safaree's shirt off. Safaree was rubibng al on Nicki's ass kissing her neck. Nicki realzed what  they was doing and pulled away from SB embarassed. The barbz was loving this they was going crazy on the ustream stream.

Nicki turned back around and fixed the camera to back like it was. She decided to act like she wasnt just about to have sex on the camera and shout some barbz out.

After she shouted them out she answered some questions.

"Nicki why you and Safaree stopped i was enjoying that" Nicki read

:MinajMahBody you know what goodbye"

"im mad horny now" Safaree read

"who said that" Nicki asked

"Butt-hole Billy"

Both of them burst out laughing.

"Barbz are yall excited that mommys having babiess?" Nicki had a worry look on her face

The barbz was screamming yess.

"Nic can we come to the hospital ?"

"Of course BabyDoll, i trust yall enough."

"Okay barbz listen up. Im planning a Sleepover for all the barbz. I dont wanna leave nobody out okay? Yall cant let ANYBODY know about this sleepover. Promis me. "

The barbz promised.

Safaree was in another world. He was horny af and was ready to put it on Nic.

He kept blowing on her ear and kissing on her neck the whole time she was talking.

Nic was getting wetter and wetter.

"They about to have sex. . . look at Nicki's face" Nicki was reading while laughing.

"Barbz i dont do those things"

She shouted out a few more ppl and told the barbz she would ustream again later.

As soon as she closed the computer it was on and popping.

OKAY i know it is short bt my grandma been in the hospital my mind been somewhere else. Remember GOD is good my gma is okay now. I will be posting agin sometime this week! Thanks for all the support. . . Dont forget to comment please,  UNTIL NEXT TIME -BABYDOLL ♥

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


" No mommy im alright i promise, look i got to go" Nicki hung up the phone and laid back in the bed. This isn't how she thought the situation would happen. Safaree told her he forgave her but he still felt like she lied and needed time for himself. He would come home after whatever interview, performance, show they had and go straight to his room without saying a word. Nicki felt bad , she tried talking to him but everytime she tried he would ignore her. It had been 2 straight weeks. She was tired of him acting like she cheated r something. All she did was tell him she was going by Lauren's house which she was after lunch with Drake. She got up and went to Safaree's room. It was locked of course. 

Knocking on the door she got no response. She remembered a bobby pin could unlock the door. She went to her bathroom quietly and grabbed one out the draw. She went to Safaree's door and unlocked it. Safaree was sitting at the edge of the bed playing his Xbox 360. She didnt know what to say to him. SB just sat there ignoring the fact that Nic was in his room. 

"Faree can we talk please. . . . please" 

SB didnt say nothing , he continued playing his game. Nicki gave up she was tired of trying when he wasnt responding to nothing she do or say. 

She turned around and was about to walk out when she felt hands grab her waist. Nicki was shocked , she just stood there. Safaree turned her around and pulled her to him. He didn't like being mad at Nicki but he had to show her he wasn't playing. 

"Faree Im. .. " He cut her off

"You dont have to keep saying your sorry i heard u the first time babe. I forgive you and im sorry for ignoring you i was just hurt. 

Safaree wipped the tears that was rolling down Nic's cheek. "I should've lied to you. I promise it wont happen again ok".

"Ok Baby Girl" 

Nicki laid her head on Safaree's shoulder. "Faree ?" 

"Yes Nic" 

"Can you bring me to the store to get some ice cream and cookies?" 

"Babe you got that downstairs. "

"I know but i want a different kind of ice cream. plus those aren't the chewy cookies i like" 

Safaree picked Nicki up and carried her to they room. "Get dressed Lil bit" Nicki went to the closet and got some Pink Aero Sweatpants , a white V neck that hugged Nicki's Baby bump just right, and some White and pink Uggs. Safaree just threw on a Shirt and a Hat. He grabbed the keys and Nicki's hand and headed out the door. 

The whole time in the car Nicki was dying laughing. Starships had came on the radio and Safaree was singing the song like he was usher or somebody. Nicki had tears in her eyes from laughing. 

"Nicki what today is ?"  

"January 12 why?" 

"Shit Onika today we find out what your having" 

"How can we forget that . . . What time is it?" 

Nicki looked on her phone "12: 56" 

"Okay your appointment isnt till 2." 

They pulled up to Walgreens. SB got out and opened Nicki's door and led her into the store. Nicki got her cookies and ice cream and went to the counter to checkout. 

"Nic you need a spoon? After we leave here your ice cream will be melted" 

"I got one in the car" 

Safaree was laughing hard.

"Really Onika? " 

"Yes Nigga now come pay for this so i can go eat. My babies hungry. " 

Safaree paid for it , grabbed the bag and brought Nicki to the car. Opening the door Nicki got in and went straight for the cookies. Safaree got in put his seatbelt on and drove off. 

They pulled up to the Doctors office 28 minutes later. They drive there was silent. Nicki was to busy stuffing her face in ice cream. Safaree thought it was cute. They got out and walked into the buliding Hand in Hand. 

"HB how you doing Bew?" Janae asked. 

"Im doing good Barb, Whats your name?" 

"Janae. . . . but TeamMinaj calls me Nae"

"Whats your Twitter name?" 

"ComeToMyRescue1 you retweeted me like a few weeks ago. " 

"Verddddd? That was you Dragging Meka? I fucking Love you barb"

Janae was blushing. She couldnt believe her Nicki was standing here telling her she loved her. 

"I fucking Love you to Nic, so what can i help you with today?"

"Well we came to see what the babies are" 

"Okay i need you to sign some papers first then the doctor will be with yall" Janae reached Nicki some Papers. Nicki took out her special Pink pin and signed them. After she signed the papers she went and sat in Safaree's Lap. 

Janae saw her and smiled mad hard. 

"Ayo Nic you mind if i take a picture?" 

"Sure Barb go for it" 

Janae took out her Iphone and Took a picture of Nicki sitting in Safaree's lap and Safaree's arms wrapped around her waist. After she took it she Posted it on twitter "ONIKAFAREE ♥" TeamMinaj went Crazy. Nae told Nicki she posted the picture and Nicki went and retweeted it. After she Retweeted it Nicki tweeted.

@NICKIMINAJ ShoutOut to @ComeToMyRescue1 she is such a sweetheart. Love you Nae ;) 

Nae saw the tweet and wanted to pass out. Nicki called Nae over to her. 

"Im planning a sleepover for the Barbz and I want you there okay" 

"OMG ok Nic im there i promise." 

Janae gave Nicki her number and went on with her job. 

"Onika Maraj" The nurse called. 

Nicki got up and grabbed Safaree's hand and pulled him back there with her. The nurse led them into a room and told them the doctor was going to be right with them. 

They sat there Nerves. About a week ago they made a bet. Nicki bet it was a boy and a girl. Safaree bet it was two girls . 5 minutes later the doctor came in. 

"Hello Dr. Carry" 

"Hi Onika how you and the twins doing?" 

"We doing great"

"Any Pains?" 

"No mam" 

"Okay well lets see what they are"

Nicki laid back and and pulled her shirt up and unbuttoned her pants. The doctor applied the Gel on her tummy . 

"Ok Onika it looks like this one is a baby Girl." 

Safaree jumped up with tears in his eyes. 

"The second on is a . . . . "


On a Scale from 1-10 How madd r you? lmaoooooooo welllll you might get a chapter tomorrow idk yet. ShoutOut To Nae. COMMENT PLEASE. Yall dont understand yal;l comments makes me wanna cry. I love all my readers Thank yall for reading Until Next Time -BABYDOLL ♥