Tuesday, June 26, 2012


♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


Yesterday  i recieved a text message from this female name Keyshia that said her two friends was planning to hurt me and my babies. At first i couldnt think of anyone that wanted to hurt my babies then i thought of two ppl . Them two bitches Meka and Kelly . I wondered if i should tell Safaree or just let it go. I decided to tell him because of the fact if anything was to happend to my babies i would feel bad. I left out the room to go and find Safaree but i didnt see him nowhere. He know damn well im to big to be playing hide go seek. Im 6 months pregnant now and my tummy was bigger then ever. 

"Faree" I screamed. 

"Im Down here bae"  

I went downstairs to find Safaree trying to put the baby beds up. He look so determined, it was cute. 

"Faree i really need to talk to you" He looked up worry. 

"Whats wrong Nic? Is you hurting ? Is the babies okay? " I laughed. 

"Calm down Faree. Lets go sit down" 

We went and sat at the kitchen table. 

" Faree do you know anyone named Keyshia? " 

" Yeah thats Meka's best friend ..... why?" 

I grabbed my phone and showed him the message

"This is why Safaree" He grabbed my phone and read over the message. His face changed from my sweet Faree to this man with rage. He got up and grabbed his keys and was out the door. I tried calling and texting him but no response. I got up and went back upstairs to take a nap. Before my nap i prayed that he wasnt gonna do anything crazy. 


When Nic showed me that message i instantly got Pissed off. The fuck they still trying to hurt My Babe and Babies for? That isnt gonna make me want Meka its just gonna make me hate her more and more. I grabbed my Keys and headed over to Mekas House. Nicki kept calling and texting me , i know she is worried but as soon as i set this bitch straight ima call her. 

I pulled up at Mekas house, hopped out the car and went to bang on the door. Before i could even knock she opened it. I havent seen her in months something was different about her. She look desperate and ugly. I grabbed her by her shirt and threw her to the wall. 

"Stay the fuck away from me, my wife and my kids. Understand?"

"Safaree what the fuck is you talking about i havent seen r messed with yall in months" Meka screamed . 

"Then why Keyshia texted my girl phone talking about yall planning some shit okn my girl and kids? Exactly ! If anything happen to Onika and my kids ima make your life a living hell. " 

I let her go and left. I grabbed my phone and called Nicki back. 

"Baby where are you" 

" I had to take care of something, im on my way home" 

"Hurry please Faree''

"Okay Nic"

I hung up and made my way home. 

Okay you guys this is just a preview. Im sorry its been so long . 10 comments till i post the full chapter. Thanks to everyone thats been enjoying my story it means alot Until Next Time - BABYDOLL


  1. Lmaooooooooooooooo SB dnt play dat shit

  2. ohhhh damn sb was bouta murder that ass lmao and girl if you delete this story im gone be so fuckin pissed!!
