Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2 Beautiful Blessings

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY BTW NIC IS BACKKKK !!!


Dr. Carry: Um Ms. Maraj looks like you have two sets of heartbeats in here. 

Nicki: Wait Doc what you mean two sets. . . Mines & The baby's right? 

Dr. Carry: Looks like your having twins . 

Nicki and Safaree both was speechless. The doctor wiped the gel off Nicki's stomach , Gave her the pills she needed to take and told her that was all for today. Safaree grabbed Nicki's hand and walked her to the car after she signed out. The car ride was quiet , nobody said a word. Nicki called her mom, Candi , Lauren, and TT , she told them the big news. They pulled up and Safaree got Nicki out the car. 

Nicki: Faree say something . . you been quiet the whole ride. 

Safaree: Im just shocked thats all 

Nicki: Are you happy ? 

Safaree: What kind of question is that Onika? Of course im happy. The love of my life is having not only one but two of my babies. Im more than happy bae. 

Tears was forming in Nickis eyes. Safaree grabbed her and pulled her to him. 

Safaree: Babygirl why you crying? 

Nicki: Becuase. . I love you.  

Safaree: I love you 2 Onika. 

Nicki wiped her face and smiled 

Safaree: What yu wanna do today? 

Nicki: How about we go to the arcade, then the movies, oh and I have to be at the studio at 10. 

With that said Nicki and safaree headed to the arcade. 


I cant believe we having twins. Young Nic & baby Gali . Now me and Safaree can both get what we want a boy and a girl . . . Hopefully. We on our way to the arcade. I cant wait to play the race car game. Thats all i play everytime we go. Then after i run out of coins i go watch Faree shoot hoops. 

We walked in the arcade hoping nobody would notice me. I told Faree to get the coins and ima order us some pizza. I went to the counter and order more than pizza. I wanted some nachos, a hot dog, a pickle and a large pizza. Im suppose to be on a diet but shit i am eatting for three. after i paid for it i told the man where i was gonna be so he could call me when its done. Im surprised nobody notice that it was me yet. I went over to Safaree and grabbed my coins and went straight to the racing game. The first 6 games i lost then after that i was winning. I played until the man tapped me on my shoulder and told me my food was ready. I told him "Thank you my darling" in my England voice and that gave everything away. "OMG HB i thought it was" he was spazzing. I told him he was so cute. He told me he wasn't going to sell me out to have a good time. I asked him what was his name and he said @NickisHubby. He asked me to sign his phone case and went on with his work. I sat at the table where my food was and called Safaree over. 

Safaree: Damn Nic why you ordered all this food. 

Me: I am eatting for 3 nigga now hush. 

Safaree: But Nic this is ALOTTT off food. 

I started to tear up. Was this nigga calling me fat are something? Tears started running down my face and He looked confused. I didnt even want the damn food nomore. He scooted next to me and wiped my face. 

Faree: Nic im sorry baby stop crying. 

I pushed him away and bit my hot dog. He really starting to get on my nerves or is it my hormones? Oh well it doesnt matter i still ate my hot dog, half of my nachos and a slice of pizza. I looked over at faree eatting like he was the pregnant one. We finished playing and left. Next was the movies, I was sure somebody would spot me there. I had my natural hair pulled in a bun, light makeup, and some jeans with a t-shirt nothing crazy. We walked fast to get our tickets. Once we got them we went in and watched the movie. I was dying laughing the whole time. That movie was funny af. After the movie we made our way to the studio.


"It went down , nuff said Pull off in that thang and its Blush Red. . . " Nicki had just finished off her Sex In The Lounge. Martin had came in with some hot wings for Safaree and a Chiken Salad for Nicki. After they finished eatting Nicki needed to record 2 more songs today. One of them was titled Fire Burns. The other one name was Champion. Nicki had called Drake to come in today and record his verse since he was in town. Drake came and Safaree whole mood and Nicki felt this. 

Safaree: Nic im going down the street to the store u need anything? 

Nicki: Yes a pickle, some cheetos, and a snapple please 

Safaree walked over to Nicki and gave her a long Kiss 

Safaree: I'll be back. 

Safaree left out the room, Nicki just sat there rubbing her stomach smiling. She didnt notice Drake staring at her until she looked up. She felt akward. After Drake finished his part to the song. Nicki got in the booth to record Fire Burns. Drake was just about to leave out the door until Nicki started singing. He decided to stay and hear the rest. When Nicki really started sining her emotions took over and tears start falling. Drake got upa nd went to the booth to hold her until Safaree came in and interrupted. Safaree saw Nicki crying , dropped they stuff and ran to her side to hold her. She told him Drake didnt do her nothing, she was singing and her emotions took over. 

Drake: SB man i would never do nothing to hurt Nicki i love her just as much as you love her. 

Safaree: Nah man Nobody but Nicki's parents love her just as much as me. My love for her is unmatched. 

Drake: I didnt mean it like that, i mean't Nicki is like family to me i wouldnt hurt her in no kind of way. 

Drizzy walked out before Safaree could reply. Nicki knew SB could careless of what Drake was saying. Nicki finished recording Fire Burns and put the finishing touches on in. When she walked out the booth Safaree grabbed her and pulled her to his lap. He raised her shirt up and rubbed her stomach. They sat in silence for a good 10 minutes. 

Nicki: Faree you ready to leave? 

Safaree: Yes Nic. 

Safaree grabbed all they stuff and put it in the big duffle bag. He picked Nicki up and carried her and the bag to the Car. 
Safaree sat in the car the whole time and thought about there life as a family He wanted to officially make Nicki his. He just needed the right time to ask her to be his wife. Nicki had fell asleep in the car. Safaree grabbed her and they stuff and carried them in the house. Once he got in he dropped they things and went upstairs with Nicki. He laid her in bed. Took her shoes , socks , and jeans off. He also took all his stuff off and they drifted to sleep. 


  1. I hope when does ask her to marry him she says yes and great chapter post soon

  2. I hate Drake. Good Chapter. Post Soon !!!!! :-----)

  3. LMFAO @NickiBarbPink. She said that so chill, "I hate Drake." Lmao. Anywayyyy! This is really good! Keep going, and soon. lol. :)

  4. Okay So Im Here Again Lil Sis!!!! Lets start my comment rrriiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt now......... Okay, So Nicki & Safaree are having TWINS!!!!!!! OHHHHHHHH!!!! WHAAAAAAA!?!? Safaree's Soilders MARCHING HIGH & MIGHTY! Lmfaooooo, Nicki should know that SB is happy about his babies. I know he is happy about his TWINS, It show he *looks around & whispers to you* doesnt have a low count. Nicki hormones is already cutting up. She is happy too...... Now Wait...... Stop the muthafucking track....... Young Nic & Baby Gali!!?!?!? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!! I love it! Nicki & her creative mind. Nicki went and order Nachos, Pickles, A Hot Dog, and Pizza....... Thats not too much food. I order that much when I go. But then again I dont eat it all. Safaree should've known better to say it was too much food. Even if a girl isnt pregnant you NEVER tell her she is eating too much. Smdh. *smacks SB in the head (pauz)* Get it together coon! *continues reading* Awww, He wiped her tears. Sooooooooooo SWEET!!!! ......... Okay So I see this fucking name & my fucking mood has CHANGED. Drake Skeet Skeet Mark looking ass better not do anything or he getting fucked up on site. *continues reading*.............YASSSSSS SAFAREEE!!!!! Tell his yellow marker, monkey looking, bird shit ass whats good. Let him know his love aint SHIT!!!!!!! *daps Safaree* Thats right Big Brother. AnyBITCH, Nicki and Safaree had a cute silent moment. Onikafaree up in here with me *Wayne Voice*. Lil Sis this was really good!!!! Post Soon!

  5. Ahhhhhhhh twins!!!!!!!!!!! I hope its one of each so they both get wut they want. I bet the crew to ready to spoil the babies, aww twins ^_^ Oh Nic u know SB happy he just shocked, shid who wouldnt be.
    Damn Nic ordered the hole menu but she right she eating for 3 and WTF is she on a diet for if she pregnant? Girl bye... a fuckn diet HELL NAH! Ha how Nic goin give herself away... crazy lady lol, aw he kept it cute by not outing Nicki such a good boy lol. No SB didnt bring how much food she got, wtf was he thinking u never talk about "thats alot of food" to a woman... a pregnant woman at that! Now his ass eating like a pregnant woman, look how the tables turned lol.
    AYE thats my part in SIAL, she recording FB i love that song hell i love them all! Ugh Drake just had to come, he need to stop looking at Nic like that. Damn SB shut Drake ass down real fuckn quick, nobody loves her more then him flat out! Aw my lil Nicki was sleepy, her was sooo tired *in my baby voice* LOL Ayyee SB bot to wife Nic!
    Great Chapter!!


  6. Drake be getting on my nerves sometimes he be making everything awkward as ever!!!! Good Chapter post soon!!! New Reader.
