Sunday, April 29, 2012

MisUnderStood. . . .

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


SB got me all the way fucked if he think im just going to let him sit there and talk to me like im a lil ass boy. I got plans for that nigga doe. I Love Nicki with all my heart and I know she could do better than him. I picked up my phone and dailed her number. 

Nicki: Drizzy hey baby whats good 

Me: Nothing just wondering if you wanted to come to lunch with me tomorrow. 

Nicki: Sure, what time? 

Me: 2:30

Nicki: Ok Drizzy see you tomorrow muahhhh . 

I hung up and went to take my shower. After my shower i called My nigga to come give me a haircut. I couldnt wait to see Nicki. Im in love with her but it could never be a us with SB in the way. I know im a better man than Safaree. I just need to prove it to Nicki. Since the first day i met her i knew she was the girl for me. It was always hard to really get to know her because he was always there. I wanted to be the one holding her hand and stuff. Me not Safaree. I was getting pissed by just thinking about him touching her. I looked at the clock and seen it was 8 o'clock. Getting in my bed i went straight to sleep with One person on my mind. 


"Fareeee stop" I was laughing so hard. This nigga was standing in front of the TV dancing and singing to Micheal Jackson. He was to serious , i thought it was cute but funny as fuck. I felt my phone vibrating, Getting it off the dresser i looked and seen it was Drake. He asked me to lunch. I didnt wanna be mean and say no so i agreed. I know Safaree is going to be pissed so im not telling him where im going. 

Safaree: Who was that?

Me: Drake

i looked down at my phone ignoring his stare. He didnt even reply, he just walked to the side of the bed and grabbed me by my waist. "I love yu onika " is what he said then kissed me. The kiss went from a peck to our tounges fighting. "I loved my Faree" I said back. His smile was beautiful, it always warmed my heart. He got in bed and wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing my stomach. I now had a baby bump. I he rubbed my stomach until we both Drifted off to sleep. 


"Hey Faree im going to Laurens for a while, call me if you need me ok" "Ok Nic, But before you go can i get a kiss?" Nicki walked over to Safaree and pecked his lips then he was out the door. Nicki went to her Pink Bently and got in. She remembered the place where drake wanted to meet because they always go there. She pulled up 10 minutes later. 

Safaree was playing his game when he heard a phone ring. He knew it wasnt his so Nic must of left hers by mistake. He looked under the covers and grabbed the phone. He saw it was a text message and opened it. 

Drake: Dont forget to Meet me at 1287 Honeybee Ave. The place we always eat at. 

Safaree was pissed. Why did Nicki lie and tell him she was going by Lauren's house? He was hurt. Nicki never lied to him like that. He grabbed a shirt out the draw and put it own. Grabbing his keys he was out the door. 


Drake spotted Nicki at the door and ran to her side "You look beautiful" He said. "Thanks Drizzy" Nicki followed him to the table. 

Drake: Look Nicki i ask you to come because i wanted to tell you how i felt. 

Nicki just nodded her head ready for whatever was so important. 

Drake: I love you Onika. And its not no fake ass brother sister love. Im in love with you. I know i can be a better man then that nigga u with.  I wanna be the one to hold u at night and stuff. Just please give me a chance. 

Drake looked in Nicki's eyes and saw no emotion. He prepared his self for the worst. 


Safaree made it to the restaurant in less than 10 minutes. He walked in there and decided to just sit there and watch and listen. He was seated 2 chairs Across from Nicki and Drake. Good thing the restaurant was full because he would've been spotted right away. 

''What kind of drink would you like sir"? "A water please" The waiter walked off. Safaree sat there listening. 

Nicki: Drake listen Im in love with Safaree. I only see yu as a bother. If i leaded u on in any kind of way im sorry but Safaree is who have my heart. One day that special lady will come and she will love u back just be patient. Plus im planning on Marrying Safaree, when he ask me and im having his babies. Twins if you didnt catch on. Im sorry Drizzy. 

Drake felt defeated, He looked up and saw Safaree getting his water from the waiter. Safaree didnt notice Drake Staring at him like he wanted to kill him. Nicki was looking down so she didnt notice either. Drake thought this was a good way to break them up. 

Drake stood up and ask for everyone to be quiet. He looked Nicki straight in the eyes and said "Thank you for giving me my twins and agreeing to Marry me". 

Nicki stood up with a WTF look on her face. Before she could even say something everybody was clapping. Safaree was beyond Pissed "How could she do this to me" He thought. "Really Onika" He screamed. Nicki jumped, "Faree what is you doing here?" "How could you lie to me? , why didnt you just say you was coming here to meet this nigga?" Nicki didnt know what to sat she just let tears fall. "So is it true what he just said? "No Faree , im sorry for lying i just didnt want you to be mad and catch a fit. 

He ask me to come here because he needed to talk to me. Then he start saying some shit about he in love with me and stuff. Baby i told him i didnt feel the same way" Nicki was breaking down. She was hurt and pissed. She turned to Drake and slapped the fuck out of him. "Dont you ever direspect me like that These is not yours these is for Safaree. I never fucked you nigga and never will. With that said Nicki slapped the fuck out of Drake again. Safaree grabbed Nicki and pulled her back. "Nigga didnt i tell u before dont ever play with her like that. You put this on yourself playboy. Safaree grabbed Nicki and wiped her tears. 

"I forgive yu babygirl" He pecked her lips. As soon as he turned around Drake punched him in the jaw. Nicki looked into Safaree's eyes and saw rage. Safaree swung and punched Drake straight in his nose. Drake fell to the floor. Safaree whooped his ass until the waiters broke them up. Drake was bawled up on the ground. Nicki gave the waiters all 100 dollar tips and grabbed Safaree and was out of there. 

TBC. . . . 

I know its not much but im sleepy and i just sat here and wrote . . . i GOT 21 followers the least yall can do is COMMENT ! S/O to my Big sis Nae for giving me the idea. Also Thank you guys for reading. I really appreciate yall feedback. Until Next Time: BabyDoll ♥


  1. Drake is a fucking asshole to do that shit
    I hope nicki don't ever talk to him ever again
    I'm so glad Safaree beat his punk ass
    Anyway good chapter post soon :)

  2. Great Chapter Post soon....that's what Drake get! Fuck his yellow gorilla looking ass! Yayye Safaree and Nika I love yall!

  3. greatt storyyyyyyyy! Can't wait Ti'll the Next Poast :)

  4. First off Drake needs to get a fucking life, like move the fuck on! He cant take a fuckn hint, if she pregnant by someone else and not paying u any attention... MOVE THE FUCK ON! If she aint never looked at u as a BF type... MOVE THE FUCK ON!! If she say u like a lil brother to her... MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!
    Lmao SB is a straight muthafuckn clown, i can picture his as trying to dance and sing to MJ... Lol a hot ass mess. Oh shit... now why Nic wanna not tell SB, now its finna be some shit. *reads on* Aw she got a baby bump now ^_^ YAY i bet its cute lol.
    DAMN how Nicki going to sneak some fuckn where and forget her damn phone, like damn u can tell she aint used to sneaking nowhere LOL. Now here comes the drama *keeps reading*
    Eww Drake like just move, go jump off a burning building and smack the ground with ur head make sure u knock urself brain dead! *rolls eyes* (wait was that mean? Its just a story so wuteva idc)
    OH HELL NO, THIS TRICK ASS HOE REALLY JJUST LIED AND EVERY FUCKN BODY CLAPPING NSHIT... LIKE FUCK NO! Aw my poor Nicki just crying her lil eyes out, im so freaking happy she slapped the piss out him thats wut his ass get for thats shit he pulled! Did he really just hit SB... nah he aint that stupid, he wants to live right? No, K! *watches SB beat his ass* SHOUT THE FUCK OUT TO SAFAREE FOR WHOOPING HIS ASS!
    Great chapter, post soon!

