Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Right By My Side

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


"It all comes down to this i miss your morning kiss....."  I was singing with so much emotion looking at Safaree eye to eye. I looked down when i felt tears forming. I hate that we arent together nomore. I hate to see him all in that bitch face. Then he got the nerve to tell me the bitch was 1 month pregnant. I just smiled and congratulated them even doe i was torn but little do they know i beat little miss Meka to the punch. See i just found out 2 weeks ago that i was 3 months pregnant. I couldnt believe it because of the fact that im not showing. Nobody knows im pregnant but my family and close friend. Safaree doesnt know yet. My mom told me i have to tell him because its his baby too. I chose not to, i feel like as long as he is with Meka he doesnt need to know any of my buisness.  I stepped out the boot and ran towards the door when i felt Safaree hands pulling me to sit near him.

Safaree: Nic i miss you , and by the look of it you miss me to, im sorry things ended the way it did, im sorry i hurt you . I never meant for it to happen.

Me: Faree i do miss you and i know your sorry you tell me everyday your sorry but i cant just act like everything is fine.

Safaree: What can i do to make it a us again.

Nicki: Safaree it stopped being a us when she got in the picture. I dont care if it was because yall was drunk, yall still had sex, she still pregnant and its nothing i can do about that.

Me: Yes we had sex but me and you wasnt together Nic we was just talking and messing around. You didnt want to make it offical remember? I would have never slept with her if we was offically together. U even said it your self "No strings attached" remember ? and no she isnt pregnant , she lost the baby last week i forgot to tell you.

I was speechless . He was right it was no strings attached. I made it that way. I wanted to make it offical but i was scared of loosing my best friend. I wanted him so bad but i was just afraid and scared to admit it. I was happy she lost the baby (god forgive me) because now there was nothing to keep him with her. I watched as he pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back. I love Safaree more than anything. I been Loved him since we was 14 years old. He always was here for me to , always there when i was sad, happy, bored. He always was there to put a smile on my face.

Me: Faree i have to tell you something but promise you wont get mad.

Safaree: I promise Nic, what is it ?

Me: Well im kind of 3 months pregnant.

Safaree: Wait what how wait, how long have you knew?

Me: for about 2 weeks now. Dont be mad i was afraid to tell you , i felt like you wouldnt want this baby since the other one is coming.

Safaree: Onika you know damn well i would want my child.  When was you gonna tell me you was pregnant .... The day the baby was born i bet.

Me: I was gonna tell u when the time was right. But since you said she wasnt pregnant anymore i thought i would let you know. Dont be mad at me i was scared Faree u have to understand.

Safaree grabbed me and held me tight in his arms. He kept saying back to back he understood. I thanked god for sending him into my world and for sending me my baby. I was staring in space when i felt Safaree kiss my lips.

Safaree: I Love you Onika , My love for you has never changed. I need you to stop stressing, its only going to stress the baby out and we dont need that.

Me: I Love you 2 babe and trust i am.

I was surprized at how Safaree was taking it . I thought he was going to get mad. That goes to show how much he loves me and dont want me to stress because deep down i know he is pissed.


I Love Nicki will all my heart. Im kinda pissed that she didnt tell me she was pregnant when she found out.  Meka lost our baby last week and that really hurted me. I was ready to be a father but i guess god wanted him back. Im praying that God dont take this one from me. Im happy im having a baby coon with Nicki. She is my soulmate i wanna be with her till i take my last breathe. I have to step up and be there for Nicki more than i have. That means im moving out of Meka house tonight and moving back in with Nic. I grabbed Looked down and smiled at Nicki. She smiled back showing those deep dimples i love so much. Nic was really making a coon all mushy and she. I laugh out loud instead of in my head. Nicki looked at me like i had 3 heads or something.

Me: Babe you really to go home?

Nicki: Yeah, can you spend the night please.

She looked at me with a pout in her lip. I always fall for it.

Me: Yes Nic

She smiled from ear to ear. I thought it was cute how she wanted a coon to stay with her even doe I was moving back. I got up and grabbed her hand, Leading her out the door. As we got to the car I opened her door and got in after her. The car ride we was staring at each other. The driver pulled up at Meka house first. Good thing she wasn't home. I grabbed Nicki's hand and lead her to the door.

Me: Nic is it ok with you if i move back in?

I watched her face lite up.

Nicki: Yes Faree

I reached in my pocket for the key and opened the door. I grabbed her hand and we walked to the room to get all my stuff. I grabbed the duffle bags and put my Jewlery, Clothes, Shoes, Etc in there and headed out the door. I opened Nickis door and let her in then i put all 12 of my bags in the car. As soon as i put my last bag in here comes Meka pulling up. I told Nicki to hold on and made my way towards Meka's Car.

Meka: Her baby, whats going on?

Me: I got all my stuff , im moving back with Nic.

Meka: Why did i do something wrong? Safaree please dont leave me.

She started that crying shit. I was not trying to hear it all.

Me: Listen Meka Nicki is pregnant with my child, she needs me there with her. Im in Love with her i never stopped. I need you to understand where im coming from.

Meka: Is it because i lost the baby Safaree?

Me: No 

I just left her standing there. I thought she was going to do something stupid and i was right. I watched as she went to the car and tried to pulled Nicki out. What she didnt know is Nicki may be small but nobody is fucking with her hands. Nicki looked shocked , but when she seen what was happening she kicked Meka in her face. Then she got out and went to work on that ass. I saw Nic fight a couple of times but this was the best one. I ran towards them a grabbed Nicki. I checked to see if anything was hurt on her but she was good. I asked her if her and the baby was alright and she shook her head yeah. Meka was on the ground with a bloody face. She ran up to the wrong chick and got what she was looking for. Nicki hair clothes and all that was still looking perfect as always. Meka on the other hand tracks was blowing with the wind on its way down the rode. I told Meka it was over and the driver pulled off.


Im sitting in the car waiting for Faree when this bitch comes running up in the car going off at the mouth. I kicked her dead in her nose and she fell back. I jumped out the car and popped that hoe. I was fucking her ass up until Safaree grabbed me. and was checking on me and the baby. I looked down at her with a smirk on my face. Faree put me in the car and we drove off. I calmed myself in the car and was now sleepy. When we pulled up to the house Faree carried me upstairs to our room. Yes i said ours. I missed him in our king sized bed. I watched as he went to the bathroom to run us some bath water. I decided to tweet my barbz.


I watched as my babies went crazy. I loved my Team. They was always there for me thru everything. I really care and love them. They show me so much love and respect. I couldnt ask for more.

@NICKIMINAJ Barbz da kid had to whoop a bitch ass tonight :p LMFAOOOOO

@NICKIMINAJ OH!??? ----> @ImNisiMaraj Wait hold up da kid is to Tiny to be whooping somebody ass @NICKIMINAJ

@NICKIMINAJ Just because im small doesn't mean i cant beat a bitch zownn !

@NICKIMINAJ His big goofy ass was standing there in lala land -----> @OnikaTaughtMe @NICKIMINAJ And where was Safaree when all this happend?

@NICKIMINAJ Lmfao you want her address ? -------> @NickisBabyDoll Oh hell no , i know a bitch didnt swing on da kid TUH that btich needs another  INFO plz @NICKIMIANJ

@NICKIMINAJ Its ok Barbz the kid got this one , Thanks doe. :------)

@NICKIMINAJ Dear Barbz, I Love you. Goodnight Sweetdreams my babies xoxo.

I lurked for a while and followed some barbz back. I put my phone on the charger and got me and Safaree some pajamas. I walked into the bathroom and found Faree laughing his ass off at the Barbz. My phone stared Vibrating i went to the bed and picked it up. It was a twitter notification.

@SCAFFBEEZY Yo when i tell yall Big Dawg mixed with Roman came out tonight like yo @MekaSoSexci got her ass WHOOPED !

@SCAFFBEEZY Yo TeamMinaj Da Kid doesnt  play around at all.

@SCAFFBEEZY and i wasnt in LaLa Land i was trying to pull Nic off her -_- lol

@SCAFFBEEZY Goodnight coons... Gali F1

I couldnt help but laugh to. This nigga is silly af . He deadass just gave TeamMinaj Meka's Twitter. He knows TeamMinaj dont play when it comes to me.

Me: Faree you deadass wrong, you know teamminaj is crazy. Her page isnt gonna be there tomorrow watch.

Safaree pulled me into his arm and raised my shirt up. He rubbed my stomach as we stood there. I loved every moment of it. We stood there in silence for a good 10 minutes until i moved and undressed. He did the same. Faree got in the tub and i got in right after him sitting in his lap relaxing.  After our bath we had got dressed and went to bed. I was so Happy i got my man back.


♥ OKAY you guys here you go. I had fun writing this chapter. I need yall to COMMENT please. I need the feedback ! I dont care if its good or Bad I need to know what yall think.... This story is going to be a rollercoaster so i hope yall willing to take that ride. ! Till next time... BabyDoll ♥


  1. Aaaaaawwww I love when Safaree when Safaree was telling nicki how much he loves her
    And when nicki whooped that bitch ass the real way
    And act like nOthing happened LMFAO
    And they came home like a happy family post soon

  2. Aaaawwww I love this. It's sooooo cute. Had me worried at first but then I smiled all the way to the end. Dead @ SB for giving out her twitter. Now that girl know not to mess with NIc LOL

  3. New reader BEWP! Love it already, yo Nicki whooped her ass and she pregnant lol my fav let queens come out LOL. HA SB gave out the hoe twitter lawd lol and Nic is so right its going to be gone the next day lmao!

