Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My New Story

Check out my new story please and tell me what u think about it ----->

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chapter 8

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


Yesterday  i recieved a text message from this female name Keyshia that said her two friends was planning to hurt me and my babies. At first i couldnt think of anyone that wanted to hurt my babies then i thought of two ppl . Them two bitches Meka and Kelly . I wondered if i should tell Safaree or just let it go. I decided to tell him because of the fact if anything was to happend to my babies i would feel bad. I left out the room to go and find Safaree but i didnt see him nowhere. He know damn well im to big to be playing hide go seek. Im 6 months pregnant now and my tummy was bigger then ever. 

"Faree" I screamed. 

"Im Down here bae"  

I went downstairs to find Safaree trying to put the baby beds up. He look so determined, it was cute. 

"Faree i really need to talk to you" He looked up worry. 

"Whats wrong Nic? Is you hurting ? Is the babies okay? " I laughed. 

"Calm down Faree. Lets go sit down" 

We went and sat at the kitchen table. 

" Faree do you know anyone named Keyshia? " 

" Yeah thats Meka's best friend ..... why?" 

I grabbed my phone and showed him the message

"This is why Safaree" He grabbed my phone and read over the message. His face changed from my sweet Faree to this man with rage. He got up and grabbed his keys and was out the door. I tried calling and texting him but no response. I got up and went back upstairs to take a nap. Before my nap i prayed that he wasnt gonna do anything crazy. 


When Nic showed me that message i instantly got Pissed off. The fuck they still trying to hurt My Babe and Babies for? That isnt gonna make me want Meka its just gonna make me hate her more and more. I grabbed my Keys and headed over to Mekas House. Nicki kept calling and texting me , i know she is worried but as soon as i set this bitch straight ima call her. 

I pulled up at Mekas house, hopped out the car and went to bang on the door. Before i could even knock she opened it. I havent seen her in months something was different about her. She look desperate and ugly. I grabbed her by her shirt and threw her to the wall. 

"Stay the fuck away from me, my wife and my kids. Understand?"

"Safaree what the fuck is you talking about i havent seen r messed with yall in months" Meka screamed . 

"Then why Keyshia texted my girl phone talking about yall planning some shit on my girl and kids? Exactly ! If anything happen to Onika and my kids ima make your life a living hell. " 

I let her go and left. I grabbed my phone and called Nicki back. 

"Baby where are you" 

" I had to take care of something, im on my way home" 

"Hurry please Faree''

"Okay Nic"

I hung up and made my way home. When i got there I went straight to our room. Nic was laying there looking so beautiful. Her Hair was in a Messy Bun. Her skin glowed , her cheeks was chubby which made her dimples more deeper. I stood there staring until she cleared her throat. I took my shoes and shirt off and threw it on the floor. I got in bed and wrapped my arms around her tiny frame. —————-———-—---------------------- Nicki and Safaree Laid there enjoying the silence. Ten Minutes later Nicki was knocked out. Safaree thought this was the perfect time to.Ustream her since he been promising the Barbz he would Ustream her sleeping. He got up Quietly making sure he didnt make any noise. He grabbed the Barbie Case and took the laptop out. He opened up the Ustream tab and Sent a link to Twitter. He watched the views for the Ustream go higher nd higher. He put the laptop on the dresser next to the bed nd set the camera up where it was facing Nicki directly. It was kinda dark so he turned the bathroom light on. He smiled as he got bck in bed holding Nicki close to him. After two hours of just laying there Safaree got on twitter and lurked. TeamMinaj was spazzing. All of them was saying how Nicki looks cute sleeping. Nicki's phone started ringing. She grabbed her phone not paying attention to the laptop and answered it. "Hello" Nicki said in a sleepy voice. "Nic do you know SB ignorant ass have you on Ustream" Candi and Lauren said together. "WAIT What?" Nicki Yelled "Nika yu been on Ustream sleep for more than 2 hours" Nicki hung up and Turned to Safaree who was playing like he was sleep. She punched him in his chest and went off. Safaree opened his eyes laughing at the pissed off face Nicki was giving him. "I dont see shit funny you asshole." Nicki grabbed the laptop and sat jt infront of her. "Barbz how could you let this ass do this to me?" Nicki pouted. Safaree was still laughing his ass off. "You lauvhing now but lets see if yu gonna be laughing while yu sleeping on the couch.. Bye Barbz " She closed the Laptop and gave Safaree the death glare. "Faree dont ever Ustream Me again while im sleeping Ever are you gonna find your Dick cut off got it" Nicki smiled showing her dimples. "The Barbz.." Nic raised her hand " Just Shut up Safaree" Nicki grabbed the laptop and put it under her pillow. She laid back and went back to sleep. Safaree laid there staring at the wall until he went to sleep. 3 Days Later —————— Nicki was still pissed that Safaree Ustreamed her while she was sleep. She had been avoiding him for the last 3 days and he was tired of that. He told her Sorry millions of times but being Nicki stubborn self she didnt wanna hear it. "Onika you really acting liking like this after i said sorry a million times?" Nicki rolled her eyes and ignored him. "ONIKA" SB yelled "What you yelling for im RIGHT here" Nicki said with a smirk on her face. Safaree was heated. He grabbed his keys and headed for the door. Nicki hurried and grabbed his arm. "Im sorry Faree just dont leave" Nic pulled him upstairs into their bedroom. "Nicki I" "Shhh" Nic said as she pulled SB shirt off of him. "Nicki we cant do this" "And why is that" Nicki kissed Safarees Neck. "I just dnt feel comfortable doing it and your pregnant" Nicki ignored Safaree. She put her cold hands in the shorts nd stroked him. Safaree grabbed her hand but the look on Nickis face told him she wasnt playing he better not. Nicki pushed him on the bed and straddled his lap. She took her robe off and threw it to the ground. Safaree undid her bra and took one of her boobs in his mouth. He sucked, licked, and bit on it then went and did the same to the other. He stood Nicki up and slid he thong off. He took his boxers off and positioned himself between Nicki legs. Nicki watched hiz every mood. Its been a long time since they had each other and By being 5 months Nickis Hormones was driving her insane. Safaree went down and kissed Nickis Thigh. This made her shiver. He blew on her pussy. "Faree stop tea" Safaree dipped his tongue inside her making her forget what she was saying. He stuck two fingers in her as he sucked hard on her clit. "Ohh ahh Fa Faree" was all you heard Nicki say. Safaree went at a fast pace making Nicki scream his name louder the faster he went. Nicki came Minutes Later. Safaree licked her clean and came up. He kissed Nicki like jt was his last time. "Hmm i taste good." Nicki giggled. Safaree smiled as soon as Nicki opend her mouth again to talk SB plunged inside her. "Damn Safaree was all Nic could say." He made love to her for the rest of the Night TBC....  

Okay you guys this is just a preview. Im sorry its been so long . 10 comments till the next post. SHOUTOUT To my Big sister Nae :) ... Thanks to everyone thats been enjoying my story it means alot Until Next Time - BABYDOLL

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


Yesterday  i recieved a text message from this female name Keyshia that said her two friends was planning to hurt me and my babies. At first i couldnt think of anyone that wanted to hurt my babies then i thought of two ppl . Them two bitches Meka and Kelly . I wondered if i should tell Safaree or just let it go. I decided to tell him because of the fact if anything was to happend to my babies i would feel bad. I left out the room to go and find Safaree but i didnt see him nowhere. He know damn well im to big to be playing hide go seek. Im 6 months pregnant now and my tummy was bigger then ever. 

"Faree" I screamed. 

"Im Down here bae"  

I went downstairs to find Safaree trying to put the baby beds up. He look so determined, it was cute. 

"Faree i really need to talk to you" He looked up worry. 

"Whats wrong Nic? Is you hurting ? Is the babies okay? " I laughed. 

"Calm down Faree. Lets go sit down" 

We went and sat at the kitchen table. 

" Faree do you know anyone named Keyshia? " 

" Yeah thats Meka's best friend ..... why?" 

I grabbed my phone and showed him the message

"This is why Safaree" He grabbed my phone and read over the message. His face changed from my sweet Faree to this man with rage. He got up and grabbed his keys and was out the door. I tried calling and texting him but no response. I got up and went back upstairs to take a nap. Before my nap i prayed that he wasnt gonna do anything crazy. 


When Nic showed me that message i instantly got Pissed off. The fuck they still trying to hurt My Babe and Babies for? That isnt gonna make me want Meka its just gonna make me hate her more and more. I grabbed my Keys and headed over to Mekas House. Nicki kept calling and texting me , i know she is worried but as soon as i set this bitch straight ima call her. 

I pulled up at Mekas house, hopped out the car and went to bang on the door. Before i could even knock she opened it. I havent seen her in months something was different about her. She look desperate and ugly. I grabbed her by her shirt and threw her to the wall. 

"Stay the fuck away from me, my wife and my kids. Understand?"

"Safaree what the fuck is you talking about i havent seen r messed with yall in months" Meka screamed . 

"Then why Keyshia texted my girl phone talking about yall planning some shit okn my girl and kids? Exactly ! If anything happen to Onika and my kids ima make your life a living hell. " 

I let her go and left. I grabbed my phone and called Nicki back. 

"Baby where are you" 

" I had to take care of something, im on my way home" 

"Hurry please Faree''

"Okay Nic"

I hung up and made my way home. 

Okay you guys this is just a preview. Im sorry its been so long . 10 comments till i post the full chapter. Thanks to everyone thats been enjoying my story it means alot Until Next Time - BABYDOLL

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hey Guys I know its been a while since i postedd but i really feel like yall not that interested in my storyy soo im thinking about just deleting it ..... Comment nd let me know what yu think

Monday, May 14, 2012

Love Has No Limit

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY

"Ok Onika it looks like this one is a baby Girl." 

Safaree jumped up with tears in his eyes. 

"The second on is a baby Boy Congrats " 

Nicki and Safaree looked at each other with tears in they eyes.

"If you dont have any questions that will be all for today." 

Dr. Carry wiped the Gel off Nicki's tummy and headed out the door. Nicki pulled her shirt down and buttoned her pants. SB grabbed her hand and they was out the door. Nicki just realized she didnt tell her Barbz about her being pregnant she stood by the car and asked Safaree to take a picture of her. The shirt she had on hugged her tummy just right. Nicki put her hand on her stomach. Safaree took the picture. What Nicki didnt know is that TeamMinaj already knew but they never tweeted nothing about it. When Nicki would go to Interviews she always wore one of Safaree's hoodies, Then she had a performance and had a dress on with a big jacket. She claimed she was cold. TM put to and to together and figured it out. She took the phone from Safaree and Tweeted the picture. The barbz with Crazy. 

@NICKIMINAJ Young Nic & Baby Gali ♥

@NICKIMINAJ YEP ! A boy & a Girl ---------> @ItsMarthaBitch WAIT ONIKA Yu pregnant  && You having Twins? 0_0

@NICKIMINAJ Barbz Even doe im having my own Babies , You guys still is my Babies ok? Dont ever think different. 

@NICKIMINAJ Yes I will :p ----> @TrebbleBarbie Will you still spoil us? ._.

@NICKIMINAJ Ustream Tonight Barbz :p 

Nicki put her phone in her purse and got in the car. 

"Faree I wanna have a sleepover for the barbz. Not at the house doe at a hotel. "

"Why they can't come to the house its big enough for all of them . .  Literally "

"IDK Faree just make something happend"

"Okay Nic. . when do you want to have it?"

"As soon as possible. I miss my babies" 

Pulling up at the House they got out and went inside. Nicki went straight to the kitchen she wanted some cheetos and a snapple.

Safaree went down in the studio to Get the laptop. 

"Safaree hurry up " 

SB ignored her. He got the computer and the plug and headed upstairs.  . 

When he got there Nic was in bed eatting her cheetos.

Safaree got behind her and opened computer.

He got on twitter and posted the link.


"Hi barbz" nicki said waving to the camera.

"Whats up coons" SB said.

Nicki was sitting in Safaree's lap eatting her chips. Safaree had one hand wrapped around her waist the other moving strands of hair out her face.

The barbz was going crazy

"Awh Safaree thats to cute" Nicki read. She turned her head and smiled big at SB.

"Kisssssss" Safaree read.

"Yall coons is mad nasty" Nicki shook her head and pouted her lips.

"You afraid to kiss me on cam faree?" She mad a cute sad face.

"Gali aint never scared." Safaree poistioned the camera where the barbz could see. He turned Nicki his way and kissed her with so much passion, mintues later they was in a whole makeout session. Both Nicki and Safaree forgot they was ustreaming. Nicki was trying to take Safaree's shirt off. Safaree was rubibng al on Nicki's ass kissing her neck. Nicki realzed what  they was doing and pulled away from SB embarassed. The barbz was loving this they was going crazy on the ustream stream.

Nicki turned back around and fixed the camera to back like it was. She decided to act like she wasnt just about to have sex on the camera and shout some barbz out.

After she shouted them out she answered some questions.

"Nicki why you and Safaree stopped i was enjoying that" Nicki read

:MinajMahBody you know what goodbye"

"im mad horny now" Safaree read

"who said that" Nicki asked

"Butt-hole Billy"

Both of them burst out laughing.

"Barbz are yall excited that mommys having babiess?" Nicki had a worry look on her face

The barbz was screamming yess.

"Nic can we come to the hospital ?"

"Of course BabyDoll, i trust yall enough."

"Okay barbz listen up. Im planning a Sleepover for all the barbz. I dont wanna leave nobody out okay? Yall cant let ANYBODY know about this sleepover. Promis me. "

The barbz promised.

Safaree was in another world. He was horny af and was ready to put it on Nic.

He kept blowing on her ear and kissing on her neck the whole time she was talking.

Nic was getting wetter and wetter.

"They about to have sex. . . look at Nicki's face" Nicki was reading while laughing.

"Barbz i dont do those things"

She shouted out a few more ppl and told the barbz she would ustream again later.

As soon as she closed the computer it was on and popping.

OKAY i know it is short bt my grandma been in the hospital my mind been somewhere else. Remember GOD is good my gma is okay now. I will be posting agin sometime this week! Thanks for all the support. . . Dont forget to comment please,  UNTIL NEXT TIME -BABYDOLL ♥

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


" No mommy im alright i promise, look i got to go" Nicki hung up the phone and laid back in the bed. This isn't how she thought the situation would happen. Safaree told her he forgave her but he still felt like she lied and needed time for himself. He would come home after whatever interview, performance, show they had and go straight to his room without saying a word. Nicki felt bad , she tried talking to him but everytime she tried he would ignore her. It had been 2 straight weeks. She was tired of him acting like she cheated r something. All she did was tell him she was going by Lauren's house which she was after lunch with Drake. She got up and went to Safaree's room. It was locked of course. 

Knocking on the door she got no response. She remembered a bobby pin could unlock the door. She went to her bathroom quietly and grabbed one out the draw. She went to Safaree's door and unlocked it. Safaree was sitting at the edge of the bed playing his Xbox 360. She didnt know what to say to him. SB just sat there ignoring the fact that Nic was in his room. 

"Faree can we talk please. . . . please" 

SB didnt say nothing , he continued playing his game. Nicki gave up she was tired of trying when he wasnt responding to nothing she do or say. 

She turned around and was about to walk out when she felt hands grab her waist. Nicki was shocked , she just stood there. Safaree turned her around and pulled her to him. He didn't like being mad at Nicki but he had to show her he wasn't playing. 

"Faree Im. .. " He cut her off

"You dont have to keep saying your sorry i heard u the first time babe. I forgive you and im sorry for ignoring you i was just hurt. 

Safaree wipped the tears that was rolling down Nic's cheek. "I should've lied to you. I promise it wont happen again ok".

"Ok Baby Girl" 

Nicki laid her head on Safaree's shoulder. "Faree ?" 

"Yes Nic" 

"Can you bring me to the store to get some ice cream and cookies?" 

"Babe you got that downstairs. "

"I know but i want a different kind of ice cream. plus those aren't the chewy cookies i like" 

Safaree picked Nicki up and carried her to they room. "Get dressed Lil bit" Nicki went to the closet and got some Pink Aero Sweatpants , a white V neck that hugged Nicki's Baby bump just right, and some White and pink Uggs. Safaree just threw on a Shirt and a Hat. He grabbed the keys and Nicki's hand and headed out the door. 

The whole time in the car Nicki was dying laughing. Starships had came on the radio and Safaree was singing the song like he was usher or somebody. Nicki had tears in her eyes from laughing. 

"Nicki what today is ?"  

"January 12 why?" 

"Shit Onika today we find out what your having" 

"How can we forget that . . . What time is it?" 

Nicki looked on her phone "12: 56" 

"Okay your appointment isnt till 2." 

They pulled up to Walgreens. SB got out and opened Nicki's door and led her into the store. Nicki got her cookies and ice cream and went to the counter to checkout. 

"Nic you need a spoon? After we leave here your ice cream will be melted" 

"I got one in the car" 

Safaree was laughing hard.

"Really Onika? " 

"Yes Nigga now come pay for this so i can go eat. My babies hungry. " 

Safaree paid for it , grabbed the bag and brought Nicki to the car. Opening the door Nicki got in and went straight for the cookies. Safaree got in put his seatbelt on and drove off. 

They pulled up to the Doctors office 28 minutes later. They drive there was silent. Nicki was to busy stuffing her face in ice cream. Safaree thought it was cute. They got out and walked into the buliding Hand in Hand. 

"HB how you doing Bew?" Janae asked. 

"Im doing good Barb, Whats your name?" 

"Janae. . . . but TeamMinaj calls me Nae"

"Whats your Twitter name?" 

"ComeToMyRescue1 you retweeted me like a few weeks ago. " 

"Verddddd? That was you Dragging Meka? I fucking Love you barb"

Janae was blushing. She couldnt believe her Nicki was standing here telling her she loved her. 

"I fucking Love you to Nic, so what can i help you with today?"

"Well we came to see what the babies are" 

"Okay i need you to sign some papers first then the doctor will be with yall" Janae reached Nicki some Papers. Nicki took out her special Pink pin and signed them. After she signed the papers she went and sat in Safaree's Lap. 

Janae saw her and smiled mad hard. 

"Ayo Nic you mind if i take a picture?" 

"Sure Barb go for it" 

Janae took out her Iphone and Took a picture of Nicki sitting in Safaree's lap and Safaree's arms wrapped around her waist. After she took it she Posted it on twitter "ONIKAFAREE ♥" TeamMinaj went Crazy. Nae told Nicki she posted the picture and Nicki went and retweeted it. After she Retweeted it Nicki tweeted.

@NICKIMINAJ ShoutOut to @ComeToMyRescue1 she is such a sweetheart. Love you Nae ;) 

Nae saw the tweet and wanted to pass out. Nicki called Nae over to her. 

"Im planning a sleepover for the Barbz and I want you there okay" 

"OMG ok Nic im there i promise." 

Janae gave Nicki her number and went on with her job. 

"Onika Maraj" The nurse called. 

Nicki got up and grabbed Safaree's hand and pulled him back there with her. The nurse led them into a room and told them the doctor was going to be right with them. 

They sat there Nerves. About a week ago they made a bet. Nicki bet it was a boy and a girl. Safaree bet it was two girls . 5 minutes later the doctor came in. 

"Hello Dr. Carry" 

"Hi Onika how you and the twins doing?" 

"We doing great"

"Any Pains?" 

"No mam" 

"Okay well lets see what they are"

Nicki laid back and and pulled her shirt up and unbuttoned her pants. The doctor applied the Gel on her tummy . 

"Ok Onika it looks like this one is a baby Girl." 

Safaree jumped up with tears in his eyes. 

"The second on is a . . . . "


On a Scale from 1-10 How madd r you? lmaoooooooo welllll you might get a chapter tomorrow idk yet. ShoutOut To Nae. COMMENT PLEASE. Yall dont understand yal;l comments makes me wanna cry. I love all my readers Thank yall for reading Until Next Time -BABYDOLL ♥

Sunday, April 29, 2012

MisUnderStood. . . .

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


SB got me all the way fucked if he think im just going to let him sit there and talk to me like im a lil ass boy. I got plans for that nigga doe. I Love Nicki with all my heart and I know she could do better than him. I picked up my phone and dailed her number. 

Nicki: Drizzy hey baby whats good 

Me: Nothing just wondering if you wanted to come to lunch with me tomorrow. 

Nicki: Sure, what time? 

Me: 2:30

Nicki: Ok Drizzy see you tomorrow muahhhh . 

I hung up and went to take my shower. After my shower i called My nigga to come give me a haircut. I couldnt wait to see Nicki. Im in love with her but it could never be a us with SB in the way. I know im a better man than Safaree. I just need to prove it to Nicki. Since the first day i met her i knew she was the girl for me. It was always hard to really get to know her because he was always there. I wanted to be the one holding her hand and stuff. Me not Safaree. I was getting pissed by just thinking about him touching her. I looked at the clock and seen it was 8 o'clock. Getting in my bed i went straight to sleep with One person on my mind. 


"Fareeee stop" I was laughing so hard. This nigga was standing in front of the TV dancing and singing to Micheal Jackson. He was to serious , i thought it was cute but funny as fuck. I felt my phone vibrating, Getting it off the dresser i looked and seen it was Drake. He asked me to lunch. I didnt wanna be mean and say no so i agreed. I know Safaree is going to be pissed so im not telling him where im going. 

Safaree: Who was that?

Me: Drake

i looked down at my phone ignoring his stare. He didnt even reply, he just walked to the side of the bed and grabbed me by my waist. "I love yu onika " is what he said then kissed me. The kiss went from a peck to our tounges fighting. "I loved my Faree" I said back. His smile was beautiful, it always warmed my heart. He got in bed and wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing my stomach. I now had a baby bump. I he rubbed my stomach until we both Drifted off to sleep. 


"Hey Faree im going to Laurens for a while, call me if you need me ok" "Ok Nic, But before you go can i get a kiss?" Nicki walked over to Safaree and pecked his lips then he was out the door. Nicki went to her Pink Bently and got in. She remembered the place where drake wanted to meet because they always go there. She pulled up 10 minutes later. 

Safaree was playing his game when he heard a phone ring. He knew it wasnt his so Nic must of left hers by mistake. He looked under the covers and grabbed the phone. He saw it was a text message and opened it. 

Drake: Dont forget to Meet me at 1287 Honeybee Ave. The place we always eat at. 

Safaree was pissed. Why did Nicki lie and tell him she was going by Lauren's house? He was hurt. Nicki never lied to him like that. He grabbed a shirt out the draw and put it own. Grabbing his keys he was out the door. 


Drake spotted Nicki at the door and ran to her side "You look beautiful" He said. "Thanks Drizzy" Nicki followed him to the table. 

Drake: Look Nicki i ask you to come because i wanted to tell you how i felt. 

Nicki just nodded her head ready for whatever was so important. 

Drake: I love you Onika. And its not no fake ass brother sister love. Im in love with you. I know i can be a better man then that nigga u with.  I wanna be the one to hold u at night and stuff. Just please give me a chance. 

Drake looked in Nicki's eyes and saw no emotion. He prepared his self for the worst. 


Safaree made it to the restaurant in less than 10 minutes. He walked in there and decided to just sit there and watch and listen. He was seated 2 chairs Across from Nicki and Drake. Good thing the restaurant was full because he would've been spotted right away. 

''What kind of drink would you like sir"? "A water please" The waiter walked off. Safaree sat there listening. 

Nicki: Drake listen Im in love with Safaree. I only see yu as a bother. If i leaded u on in any kind of way im sorry but Safaree is who have my heart. One day that special lady will come and she will love u back just be patient. Plus im planning on Marrying Safaree, when he ask me and im having his babies. Twins if you didnt catch on. Im sorry Drizzy. 

Drake felt defeated, He looked up and saw Safaree getting his water from the waiter. Safaree didnt notice Drake Staring at him like he wanted to kill him. Nicki was looking down so she didnt notice either. Drake thought this was a good way to break them up. 

Drake stood up and ask for everyone to be quiet. He looked Nicki straight in the eyes and said "Thank you for giving me my twins and agreeing to Marry me". 

Nicki stood up with a WTF look on her face. Before she could even say something everybody was clapping. Safaree was beyond Pissed "How could she do this to me" He thought. "Really Onika" He screamed. Nicki jumped, "Faree what is you doing here?" "How could you lie to me? , why didnt you just say you was coming here to meet this nigga?" Nicki didnt know what to sat she just let tears fall. "So is it true what he just said? "No Faree , im sorry for lying i just didnt want you to be mad and catch a fit. 

He ask me to come here because he needed to talk to me. Then he start saying some shit about he in love with me and stuff. Baby i told him i didnt feel the same way" Nicki was breaking down. She was hurt and pissed. She turned to Drake and slapped the fuck out of him. "Dont you ever direspect me like that These is not yours these is for Safaree. I never fucked you nigga and never will. With that said Nicki slapped the fuck out of Drake again. Safaree grabbed Nicki and pulled her back. "Nigga didnt i tell u before dont ever play with her like that. You put this on yourself playboy. Safaree grabbed Nicki and wiped her tears. 

"I forgive yu babygirl" He pecked her lips. As soon as he turned around Drake punched him in the jaw. Nicki looked into Safaree's eyes and saw rage. Safaree swung and punched Drake straight in his nose. Drake fell to the floor. Safaree whooped his ass until the waiters broke them up. Drake was bawled up on the ground. Nicki gave the waiters all 100 dollar tips and grabbed Safaree and was out of there. 

TBC. . . . 

I know its not much but im sleepy and i just sat here and wrote . . . i GOT 21 followers the least yall can do is COMMENT ! S/O to my Big sis Nae for giving me the idea. Also Thank you guys for reading. I really appreciate yall feedback. Until Next Time: BabyDoll ♥

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2 Beautiful Blessings

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY BTW NIC IS BACKKKK !!!


Dr. Carry: Um Ms. Maraj looks like you have two sets of heartbeats in here. 

Nicki: Wait Doc what you mean two sets. . . Mines & The baby's right? 

Dr. Carry: Looks like your having twins . 

Nicki and Safaree both was speechless. The doctor wiped the gel off Nicki's stomach , Gave her the pills she needed to take and told her that was all for today. Safaree grabbed Nicki's hand and walked her to the car after she signed out. The car ride was quiet , nobody said a word. Nicki called her mom, Candi , Lauren, and TT , she told them the big news. They pulled up and Safaree got Nicki out the car. 

Nicki: Faree say something . . you been quiet the whole ride. 

Safaree: Im just shocked thats all 

Nicki: Are you happy ? 

Safaree: What kind of question is that Onika? Of course im happy. The love of my life is having not only one but two of my babies. Im more than happy bae. 

Tears was forming in Nickis eyes. Safaree grabbed her and pulled her to him. 

Safaree: Babygirl why you crying? 

Nicki: Becuase. . I love you.  

Safaree: I love you 2 Onika. 

Nicki wiped her face and smiled 

Safaree: What yu wanna do today? 

Nicki: How about we go to the arcade, then the movies, oh and I have to be at the studio at 10. 

With that said Nicki and safaree headed to the arcade. 


I cant believe we having twins. Young Nic & baby Gali . Now me and Safaree can both get what we want a boy and a girl . . . Hopefully. We on our way to the arcade. I cant wait to play the race car game. Thats all i play everytime we go. Then after i run out of coins i go watch Faree shoot hoops. 

We walked in the arcade hoping nobody would notice me. I told Faree to get the coins and ima order us some pizza. I went to the counter and order more than pizza. I wanted some nachos, a hot dog, a pickle and a large pizza. Im suppose to be on a diet but shit i am eatting for three. after i paid for it i told the man where i was gonna be so he could call me when its done. Im surprised nobody notice that it was me yet. I went over to Safaree and grabbed my coins and went straight to the racing game. The first 6 games i lost then after that i was winning. I played until the man tapped me on my shoulder and told me my food was ready. I told him "Thank you my darling" in my England voice and that gave everything away. "OMG HB i thought it was" he was spazzing. I told him he was so cute. He told me he wasn't going to sell me out to have a good time. I asked him what was his name and he said @NickisHubby. He asked me to sign his phone case and went on with his work. I sat at the table where my food was and called Safaree over. 

Safaree: Damn Nic why you ordered all this food. 

Me: I am eatting for 3 nigga now hush. 

Safaree: But Nic this is ALOTTT off food. 

I started to tear up. Was this nigga calling me fat are something? Tears started running down my face and He looked confused. I didnt even want the damn food nomore. He scooted next to me and wiped my face. 

Faree: Nic im sorry baby stop crying. 

I pushed him away and bit my hot dog. He really starting to get on my nerves or is it my hormones? Oh well it doesnt matter i still ate my hot dog, half of my nachos and a slice of pizza. I looked over at faree eatting like he was the pregnant one. We finished playing and left. Next was the movies, I was sure somebody would spot me there. I had my natural hair pulled in a bun, light makeup, and some jeans with a t-shirt nothing crazy. We walked fast to get our tickets. Once we got them we went in and watched the movie. I was dying laughing the whole time. That movie was funny af. After the movie we made our way to the studio.


"It went down , nuff said Pull off in that thang and its Blush Red. . . " Nicki had just finished off her Sex In The Lounge. Martin had came in with some hot wings for Safaree and a Chiken Salad for Nicki. After they finished eatting Nicki needed to record 2 more songs today. One of them was titled Fire Burns. The other one name was Champion. Nicki had called Drake to come in today and record his verse since he was in town. Drake came and Safaree whole mood and Nicki felt this. 

Safaree: Nic im going down the street to the store u need anything? 

Nicki: Yes a pickle, some cheetos, and a snapple please 

Safaree walked over to Nicki and gave her a long Kiss 

Safaree: I'll be back. 

Safaree left out the room, Nicki just sat there rubbing her stomach smiling. She didnt notice Drake staring at her until she looked up. She felt akward. After Drake finished his part to the song. Nicki got in the booth to record Fire Burns. Drake was just about to leave out the door until Nicki started singing. He decided to stay and hear the rest. When Nicki really started sining her emotions took over and tears start falling. Drake got upa nd went to the booth to hold her until Safaree came in and interrupted. Safaree saw Nicki crying , dropped they stuff and ran to her side to hold her. She told him Drake didnt do her nothing, she was singing and her emotions took over. 

Drake: SB man i would never do nothing to hurt Nicki i love her just as much as you love her. 

Safaree: Nah man Nobody but Nicki's parents love her just as much as me. My love for her is unmatched. 

Drake: I didnt mean it like that, i mean't Nicki is like family to me i wouldnt hurt her in no kind of way. 

Drizzy walked out before Safaree could reply. Nicki knew SB could careless of what Drake was saying. Nicki finished recording Fire Burns and put the finishing touches on in. When she walked out the booth Safaree grabbed her and pulled her to his lap. He raised her shirt up and rubbed her stomach. They sat in silence for a good 10 minutes. 

Nicki: Faree you ready to leave? 

Safaree: Yes Nic. 

Safaree grabbed all they stuff and put it in the big duffle bag. He picked Nicki up and carried her and the bag to the Car. 
Safaree sat in the car the whole time and thought about there life as a family He wanted to officially make Nicki his. He just needed the right time to ask her to be his wife. Nicki had fell asleep in the car. Safaree grabbed her and they stuff and carried them in the house. Once he got in he dropped they things and went upstairs with Nicki. He laid her in bed. Took her shoes , socks , and jeans off. He also took all his stuff off and they drifted to sleep. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Sweet Lady

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


I woke up a little earlier than her just to get the day started. I wanted today to be special really special. I went downstairs and started on breakfast. I was going to make her favorite. Eggs whites, Turkey bacon, and butter milk waffles with a fruit salad on the side. After i finished making her food i heard footsteps going down the stairs. I set the table and placed the food where it goes. She came in with that smile i love so much. I grabbed her and pecked her lips. We sat down and started eating. After we ate i picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her on the bed i went to the bathroom and ran us some bath water. 

As I was getting us some Pajamas and shit Nic just laid there playing on her phone. I grabbed her phone out her hand and sat it on the counter, picked her up and brought her in the bathroom. A coon sat her on the counter , stood between her legs and kissed her like it was our last kiss. When we pulled away after what seemed like hours for air i started to undress her. She bit her lip as i took off every clothing she had on. After i undressed her i undressed my self. My dick was hard af just by looking at her body. I stood her up and we walked over to the tub. 

I got in and slid down and she got in between my legs. Our finger locked together as we relaxed for a bit. She turned my way and kissed me. Biting her lip she took me in her hands and stroked me in a fast pace. I tried all my might not to give in and moan. I was to much of a coon for that. She got up and slid on my dick slowly. Nic felt so good. I gripped her waist and bounced her up and down fast. Her moans was like music to my ears. She tilted her head back and moaned something in spanish. My dick got harder inside of her. Nicki took control. She was riding a coon until we both came. 

After that we went into the shower and did round two , three , and four. The last round was the best. I had Nicki pinned against the wall fucking the shit out her. She was calling my name in every language yu could think of. We washed off and got out. I carried her to bed and got in with her. Wrapping my arms around her we noth went to sleep. 


Today was fucking amazing. Safaree cooked me breakfast and gave da kid the zick. I love Safaree so much. He always knows how to cater to my needs. I woke up after that wonderful evening feeling good. I wanted to talk to my barbz. My barbz is my world. I got the laptop and logged on to twitter. As soon as i got on i saw a link getting passed around. I clicked the link and instantly got Sad. I didnt want my barbz to see that side off me. The video showed when Those to bitches hit me in my head from the time Safaree came in and we went at it again. 

I was embarassed , i didnt want my barbz to think i was this ghetto out of control chick. I exited out the link and went down my TL WhoopAssNIKA was all i seen. My barbz didnt seem to turn on me and think less about me and that felt good. One of my barbz @CometoMyRescue1 was going in on Meka. I burst out laughing and decided to tweet her.

@NICKIMINAJ S/O to this Barb --> @ComeToMyRescue I swear to god bitch when i catch yu and that Giant ima drag yall my them nappy ass tracks @MekaSoSexci Man HB let me know where this bitch stay i got you @NICKIMINAJ 

@NICKIMINAJ wait Barbz im dyingggg :'''''( LMAO 

@NICKIMINAJ WhoopAssNika doe barbz -_-

The Barbz had me crying laughing. I loved my babies. They was going in on Meka. I didnt realize i was laughing so hard until Faree woke up. 

@NICKIMINAJ My baby is up Barbz , Mommy has to go  Muahh 

I logged off and Laid under Safaree. He raised my shirt up and rubbed my belly. He told me to lay on my back so he could talk to his baby. 

Safaree: You know mommy and daddy loves you right. You mean so much to us. We going to give you everything you need. I know you going to be a girl so im letting you know now no boys till you 42 okay. Your mommy wants you to be a boy but i deep down u a girl. You is going to be daddy's princess. I cant wait till you come. I love you baby girl. 

I had tears in my eyes. His daddy moments shows that he is going to be a great dad. 

Me: Faree you know its a boy right? 

Safaree: Nope i believe its a girl. 

Me: ok Faree whatever. 

I went to get up but Safaree pulled me back down. 

Faree: I Love you Nic

Me: I love you to Faree

We laid there kissing for like 25 minutes. His lips is the softest lips mines ever touched. I loved everything about this man. Safaree got up and plugged his PS3 in and came lay between my legs. He played his game as i lurked on Twitter. Martin called me and told me I had a doctors appointment tomorrow. I couldnt wait. Our first doctors appointment together as a family. After Faree played his game we put in Salt and went to bed. 


Nicki and Safaree got up early to get ready for the appointment. Safaree was dressed and ready but Nicki on the other hand was still getting dressed like always. Safaree had told Nicki a million times to come on. 

Nicki: Look im coming Baffon. 

Safaree: We gonna be late Nic come on

Nicki: Didnt i say i was coming? 

Nicki grabbed her phone and purse and was out the door. Safaree opened her door and let her in then went to get in himself. 

The whole ride they both rapped and sung to Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded. Nicki was dying laughing at how Safaree was singing his heart out to Young Forever. They pulled up to the Doctors office . Safaree got out and opened Nicki's door for her. She grabbed his hand and walked into the building. Nicki went up to the front and signed all the papers she had to. Now her and Safaree was waiting for the nurse to call them to the back. 

Nurse: Onika Maraj

Nicki stood up and grabbed Safaree's hand leading the to the back. The nurse told them which room to go to and they went. They waited a good 15 minutes until Dr. Carry came in. 

Dr. Carry: Hello Onika im Dr. Carry how can i help you today. 

Nicki: Im coming for my checkup and ultrasound 

Dr. Carry did everything you do in a check up. Take her temperature, blood pressure, etc. Next was the ultrasound. 

Dr. Carry: Ok Ms. Maraj i need for you to lay back , raise your shirt up and unbutton your pants. 

Nicki did as she was told. 

Dr. Carry put the gel on Nicki's stomach and checked The baby's heartbeat. 

Dr. Carry was surprised when she heard more than one heartbeat. 

TBC. . . 

Not much but im kinda busy with homework & stuff. . . Im going to try to make them longer i promise{ COMMENT PLEASE ♥} 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Round 2

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


I was pissed. Did he really just leave me on the ground and get in the car with her. I was Hurt and mad at the same time. Not even 3 hours ago this nigga was texting me telling me how he love me and he want me to have his baby since we lost the first one. Now he moved on and with her. I got up and went in the house. I went to the room to see if Safaree had got the stash i stole out his wallet yesterday. I guess he found it because it was gone. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower i got some ice for my Lip and nose. This bitch was gonna catch it. I went straight to bed after that. 

When i work up the first thing i did was called my sister and bestfriend on 3 way.

Me: Tell me why Safaree brought Nicki over here , took his shit, and stood there while she whooped my ass.

Keyshia: Is you serious. Wait so you telling us you let Nicki little ass whoop your ass.

she burst out laughing. I just rolled my eyes like she was here to see.

Kelly: Keyshia that shit aint funny. Sis what happend ? I thought yu and Safaree was on good terms.

Keyshia: Thats what you get for sleeping with that woman man. Sorry Meka i love you but that was wrong.

I loved Keyshia she always spoke her mind.

Me: Ok this what happend, I pulled up and he was putting his bags in the Limo. I asked him what was going on and he said Nicki was pregnant and he was still in love with her and this and that. I felt played because the bitch was sitting in front of my house waiting for my man so i ran up to the car and tried to grab the bitch out the car but she Kicked me and i fell back. Next thing i know she was on top of me whooping my ass. Safaree grabbed her after a while and asked her was her and that bastard baby was ok. The whole time he was talking to her the bitch had a smirk on her face staring down at me.

Kelly: Wow so you know we have to get her right?

Keyshia: YALL got to get her. I wouldve whooped your ass to. Have fun going to Jail.

Keyshia hung up.

Kelly: Forget her, when we catch her its Over for her and that baby.

I asked Kelly was she going to come over tomorrow and have a girls night, She agreed. The next day  i woke up, got dressed, and did my hair. She was here with her stuff at about 5:25 . She looked at my lip and nose and shook her head. We clowned , listened to radio , and was now hungry. I Grabbed my keys and headed over to Walmart.


Waking up wrapped in Safaree arms felt good. I missed my baby and the way he held me last night showed he missed me to. As i got out of bed Safaree eyes popped open.

Me: GoodMorning Faree

Safaree: Morning beautiful

I smiled and grabbed my phone. I laughed at all the missed calls from Candi and Lauren. I already knew what they wanted to talk about so i called them both on 3 way. I told them every detail of what happend. They laughed but then got pissed because she came at me and im with child. Lauren promised on everything she was going to get her for me but i told her it was over with.
Candi suggested we have a girls night. I walked into the room to meet Faree when i heard him in the shower singing Adele Rolling in the deep. I stood at the door laughing my ass off. It was Hilarious how he was trying to hit those high notes. I went to lay on the bed and ended up falling to sleep. I woke up by faree kissing me Telling me Candi and Lauren was downstairs. I went down there and opened the door for them. After they settled in we headed to walmart to get some stuff to cook. We walked in walmart hoping nobody would notice me, but guess what they did. I took picture with some of the barbz signed the Pink Friday Cds they had and signed they boobs. I said goodbye to all of them and went shopping for the stuff.  We got everything we needed. Spaghetti sause, noodles, and ground beef. When we got to the check up line. I told Lauren to fun and get some cake mix and some icing for it. Then i told Candi to get some milk.

 The woman had started ringing up my stuff when i felt someone bump me. Im thinking its Candi playing around so i turned around and puched the person next to me. When i saw who it was I instantly got pissed. I watched ass Meka and her sister crowd me. I looked at them with no fear in my eyes. I smirk which i know pissed her off. The fuck she think im suppose to be scared because she got baby D with her. Wrong bitch. she didnt learn last night i see. I gave the cashier a 100 and told her keep the change for herself. She thanked me and asked me to sign her phone case. I signed it and realized i forgot to pay for the stuff Candi and Lauren slow asses was suppose to get for me. I looked around and saw them coming. The minute i turned my back i felt multiple punches hit me in the back off my head. I turned around and caught Meka with a right jab right to the jaw. I grabbed her hair and grabbed her beating the shit out of her. All i could get out was bitch bitch bitch. I chuckled at how she started kicking. Candi pulled me back and went to work on that ass. I looked to the left and seen Lauren whooping Baby D "Kelly" ass.

 The officers came and pulled us from each other. One of the officers worked for me a long time ago as one of my body guards so i know i was straight. He pulled me to the side and asked me who hit first. I told him the truth , that bitch caught me with a good hit to my head. He took us and the groceries to the back and asked me to file a police report. I did as i was told. I also mentioned that i was 3 months pregnant and they attacked me. I texted Safaree and let him know what happened.

MyNika: Babe im talking to the cops right now thanks to yo lil hoe !

Hubby: What !? Who !? Is my child alright?

I giggled at how he was acting.

MyNika: Meka and her Sister tried to jump me and ended up getting they ass whooped.

Hubby: Im on My way down there.

I knew when Safaree get here its going to be trouble. Meka and Kelly was sitting across from me , Lauren , and Candi. I didnt take my eyes off Meka. I wanted to put as much fear in her eyes. 10 minutes Safaree came running in there grabbing me checking to see if i was alright. I grabbed his face and gave him a long passionate kiss that gave him his answer. I smiled and sat down.


I walked in Walmart ready to slap something. I texted and told Meka last night dont pull that move she did with Nic ever again. Now her and that beast tried to jump my baby. I went to the back and went straight to Nicki , checking to see if everything was alright with her. Next thing i know her tongue was wrestling with mines. I took that as a yes im ok. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. Then reality click i got up and grabbed Meka by her neck. I dont know what go into me. I never put my hands on a female. I released her and wiped my hand acrosss my face. 

Me: Did'nt i tell you not to pull that shit with Nic again? What the fuck is wrong with you. Do you know she is with child? Man i swear play with her again and ima handle you. Thats not a threat thats a promise. 

She sat there not knowing to say. 

Kelly: How u just gonna leave my sister for that ratchet bitch right there. What the fuck is wrong with you? 

Nicki: Bitch what you need to ask him how he cheat on me with that bum bitch right there! Everybody knows im the baddest bitch out hea tf is on yo biscuit hoe? Your sister was nothing but a quick fuck. She thought she could get my man drunk, Fuck him when he didnt know what was going on get pregnant by him and THOUGHT he was gonna stay by her side after yall lost that baby. She thought wrong , God blessed us with this baby and i know damn well yall wasnt trying to jump me to kill my child.

Nicki got up and i saw the look on her face. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her to me.

Nicki: Safaree let me, these bitches was trying to kill our child. and u saving them from a ass whooping. 

I let her go and she ran on Meka. Never have i saw Nicki this angry. Kelly was trying to sneak a hit when Candace and Lauren both hit her. I tried to stop the fight the best way i can. I got hit all in my face. The ciops came running in there and broke it up. One of the cops told me i could take Nicki home after she right her statement. Nicki wrote it and we was out the door. I was ready to get home and relax. It was to much drama in the last 2 days and i just wanted to forget everything happend. Tomorrow when candi and them leave im going to plan something special for Nicki. She been to angry and i need her happy and stress free. 


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Right By My Side

♥ Ok you guys This is my new ONIKAFAREE story.... i wasnt to happy with the last one but i promise this one is going to be wayyy better (THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL) ♥ READ, Comment , ENJOY


"It all comes down to this i miss your morning kiss....."  I was singing with so much emotion looking at Safaree eye to eye. I looked down when i felt tears forming. I hate that we arent together nomore. I hate to see him all in that bitch face. Then he got the nerve to tell me the bitch was 1 month pregnant. I just smiled and congratulated them even doe i was torn but little do they know i beat little miss Meka to the punch. See i just found out 2 weeks ago that i was 3 months pregnant. I couldnt believe it because of the fact that im not showing. Nobody knows im pregnant but my family and close friend. Safaree doesnt know yet. My mom told me i have to tell him because its his baby too. I chose not to, i feel like as long as he is with Meka he doesnt need to know any of my buisness.  I stepped out the boot and ran towards the door when i felt Safaree hands pulling me to sit near him.

Safaree: Nic i miss you , and by the look of it you miss me to, im sorry things ended the way it did, im sorry i hurt you . I never meant for it to happen.

Me: Faree i do miss you and i know your sorry you tell me everyday your sorry but i cant just act like everything is fine.

Safaree: What can i do to make it a us again.

Nicki: Safaree it stopped being a us when she got in the picture. I dont care if it was because yall was drunk, yall still had sex, she still pregnant and its nothing i can do about that.

Me: Yes we had sex but me and you wasnt together Nic we was just talking and messing around. You didnt want to make it offical remember? I would have never slept with her if we was offically together. U even said it your self "No strings attached" remember ? and no she isnt pregnant , she lost the baby last week i forgot to tell you.

I was speechless . He was right it was no strings attached. I made it that way. I wanted to make it offical but i was scared of loosing my best friend. I wanted him so bad but i was just afraid and scared to admit it. I was happy she lost the baby (god forgive me) because now there was nothing to keep him with her. I watched as he pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back. I love Safaree more than anything. I been Loved him since we was 14 years old. He always was here for me to , always there when i was sad, happy, bored. He always was there to put a smile on my face.

Me: Faree i have to tell you something but promise you wont get mad.

Safaree: I promise Nic, what is it ?

Me: Well im kind of 3 months pregnant.

Safaree: Wait what how wait, how long have you knew?

Me: for about 2 weeks now. Dont be mad i was afraid to tell you , i felt like you wouldnt want this baby since the other one is coming.

Safaree: Onika you know damn well i would want my child.  When was you gonna tell me you was pregnant .... The day the baby was born i bet.

Me: I was gonna tell u when the time was right. But since you said she wasnt pregnant anymore i thought i would let you know. Dont be mad at me i was scared Faree u have to understand.

Safaree grabbed me and held me tight in his arms. He kept saying back to back he understood. I thanked god for sending him into my world and for sending me my baby. I was staring in space when i felt Safaree kiss my lips.

Safaree: I Love you Onika , My love for you has never changed. I need you to stop stressing, its only going to stress the baby out and we dont need that.

Me: I Love you 2 babe and trust i am.

I was surprized at how Safaree was taking it . I thought he was going to get mad. That goes to show how much he loves me and dont want me to stress because deep down i know he is pissed.


I Love Nicki will all my heart. Im kinda pissed that she didnt tell me she was pregnant when she found out.  Meka lost our baby last week and that really hurted me. I was ready to be a father but i guess god wanted him back. Im praying that God dont take this one from me. Im happy im having a baby coon with Nicki. She is my soulmate i wanna be with her till i take my last breathe. I have to step up and be there for Nicki more than i have. That means im moving out of Meka house tonight and moving back in with Nic. I grabbed Looked down and smiled at Nicki. She smiled back showing those deep dimples i love so much. Nic was really making a coon all mushy and she. I laugh out loud instead of in my head. Nicki looked at me like i had 3 heads or something.

Me: Babe you really to go home?

Nicki: Yeah, can you spend the night please.

She looked at me with a pout in her lip. I always fall for it.

Me: Yes Nic

She smiled from ear to ear. I thought it was cute how she wanted a coon to stay with her even doe I was moving back. I got up and grabbed her hand, Leading her out the door. As we got to the car I opened her door and got in after her. The car ride we was staring at each other. The driver pulled up at Meka house first. Good thing she wasn't home. I grabbed Nicki's hand and lead her to the door.

Me: Nic is it ok with you if i move back in?

I watched her face lite up.

Nicki: Yes Faree

I reached in my pocket for the key and opened the door. I grabbed her hand and we walked to the room to get all my stuff. I grabbed the duffle bags and put my Jewlery, Clothes, Shoes, Etc in there and headed out the door. I opened Nickis door and let her in then i put all 12 of my bags in the car. As soon as i put my last bag in here comes Meka pulling up. I told Nicki to hold on and made my way towards Meka's Car.

Meka: Her baby, whats going on?

Me: I got all my stuff , im moving back with Nic.

Meka: Why did i do something wrong? Safaree please dont leave me.

She started that crying shit. I was not trying to hear it all.

Me: Listen Meka Nicki is pregnant with my child, she needs me there with her. Im in Love with her i never stopped. I need you to understand where im coming from.

Meka: Is it because i lost the baby Safaree?

Me: No 

I just left her standing there. I thought she was going to do something stupid and i was right. I watched as she went to the car and tried to pulled Nicki out. What she didnt know is Nicki may be small but nobody is fucking with her hands. Nicki looked shocked , but when she seen what was happening she kicked Meka in her face. Then she got out and went to work on that ass. I saw Nic fight a couple of times but this was the best one. I ran towards them a grabbed Nicki. I checked to see if anything was hurt on her but she was good. I asked her if her and the baby was alright and she shook her head yeah. Meka was on the ground with a bloody face. She ran up to the wrong chick and got what she was looking for. Nicki hair clothes and all that was still looking perfect as always. Meka on the other hand tracks was blowing with the wind on its way down the rode. I told Meka it was over and the driver pulled off.


Im sitting in the car waiting for Faree when this bitch comes running up in the car going off at the mouth. I kicked her dead in her nose and she fell back. I jumped out the car and popped that hoe. I was fucking her ass up until Safaree grabbed me. and was checking on me and the baby. I looked down at her with a smirk on my face. Faree put me in the car and we drove off. I calmed myself in the car and was now sleepy. When we pulled up to the house Faree carried me upstairs to our room. Yes i said ours. I missed him in our king sized bed. I watched as he went to the bathroom to run us some bath water. I decided to tweet my barbz.


I watched as my babies went crazy. I loved my Team. They was always there for me thru everything. I really care and love them. They show me so much love and respect. I couldnt ask for more.

@NICKIMINAJ Barbz da kid had to whoop a bitch ass tonight :p LMFAOOOOO

@NICKIMINAJ OH!??? ----> @ImNisiMaraj Wait hold up da kid is to Tiny to be whooping somebody ass @NICKIMINAJ

@NICKIMINAJ Just because im small doesn't mean i cant beat a bitch zownn !

@NICKIMINAJ His big goofy ass was standing there in lala land -----> @OnikaTaughtMe @NICKIMINAJ And where was Safaree when all this happend?

@NICKIMINAJ Lmfao you want her address ? -------> @NickisBabyDoll Oh hell no , i know a bitch didnt swing on da kid TUH that btich needs another  INFO plz @NICKIMIANJ

@NICKIMINAJ Its ok Barbz the kid got this one , Thanks doe. :------)

@NICKIMINAJ Dear Barbz, I Love you. Goodnight Sweetdreams my babies xoxo.

I lurked for a while and followed some barbz back. I put my phone on the charger and got me and Safaree some pajamas. I walked into the bathroom and found Faree laughing his ass off at the Barbz. My phone stared Vibrating i went to the bed and picked it up. It was a twitter notification.

@SCAFFBEEZY Yo when i tell yall Big Dawg mixed with Roman came out tonight like yo @MekaSoSexci got her ass WHOOPED !

@SCAFFBEEZY Yo TeamMinaj Da Kid doesnt  play around at all.

@SCAFFBEEZY and i wasnt in LaLa Land i was trying to pull Nic off her -_- lol

@SCAFFBEEZY Goodnight coons... Gali F1

I couldnt help but laugh to. This nigga is silly af . He deadass just gave TeamMinaj Meka's Twitter. He knows TeamMinaj dont play when it comes to me.

Me: Faree you deadass wrong, you know teamminaj is crazy. Her page isnt gonna be there tomorrow watch.

Safaree pulled me into his arm and raised my shirt up. He rubbed my stomach as we stood there. I loved every moment of it. We stood there in silence for a good 10 minutes until i moved and undressed. He did the same. Faree got in the tub and i got in right after him sitting in his lap relaxing.  After our bath we had got dressed and went to bed. I was so Happy i got my man back.


♥ OKAY you guys here you go. I had fun writing this chapter. I need yall to COMMENT please. I need the feedback ! I dont care if its good or Bad I need to know what yall think.... This story is going to be a rollercoaster so i hope yall willing to take that ride. ! Till next time... BabyDoll ♥